About Us

Our expert team visits local communities to provide professional estate buying events. We have cultivated a respected network of business relationships to ultimately offer you the best value you will find. We will do what it takes to provide you with the highest level of expertise with an experience you will not find anywhere else. We believe in transparent and ethical business practices and provide you with objective information, backed by some of the most trusted institutions in the world, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society (AGS). We look forward to meeting you and allowing us the opportunity to serve you.

Chad Blackburn

President, GIA AJP

Chad has been in the estate industry for almost twenty years. Chad learned this industry from his step father who was in this business for 50 years. He enjoys listening to customers share their stories about their valuables and finds it fascinating to hear the history. Chad’s favorite find was an original John Hancock signed naval commission document.  In his spare time, he enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time with their two pugs. 

Rick Leppo

Chief Executive Officer

Rick has had a lifelong passion for collectibles. He specializes in sports memorabilia, rare coins, and war artifacts. In his free time, Rick enjoys vacationing with his wife and daughter, coaching soccer, and is actively involved in the Rotary club.

Cameron Paul

Estate Specialist, AJP

Cameron is a graduate of BSBA-Marketing bringing a dynamic blend of academic knowledge and hands-on experience to our team. Demonstrating 7+ years of customer service and sales experience. Pursuing his appreciation for jewelry he completed his AJP certification which deepened his respect for the artistry and heritage of jewelry, making him passionate about sharing this appreciation with others and helping them discover the beauty and significance within each precious piece. When not pursuing professional excellence you'll find Cameron cherishing moments with family and friends, sharing stories, and creating memories.

Cammy Hennis

Estate Specialist

Cammy has several years of retail jewelry experience.  She understands just how sentimental jewelry pieces become and values providing a professional way for customers to part with items.  In her down time, she enjoys boating with her husband and two girls.

Sarah Wittmann

Estate Specialist

Sarah has a love for fine jewelry and colored gemstones.  She owns a plethora of antique and vintage gold bracelets.  Through her personal experience she has acquired a unique understanding of antique jewelry pieces. She finds pleasure in spending time outdoors hiking, gardening, or sipping wine with a view.

Sonya Butler

Estate Specialist M.A.

Sonya’s background includes extensive knowledge in art history.  She has experience working with galleries, museums, and auction houses.  Not only does she enjoy spending time with her family, she loves playing host where she dabbles in mixing artisanal cocktails for guests.

Austin Petersmith

Estate Specialist

Austin brings five years of experience in firearms and has developed a passion for watches.  Our customers really enjoy Austin because he has that “never met a stranger personality.”  Having played collegiate baseball he’s an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan and enjoys watching as many live ball games as possible.

Meghan Moravec

Business Operations

With over thirteen years of management experience, Mehgan leads many departments within our team and overseas daily operations.  She enjoys spending time with her three children and fostering pets.



Research Analyst

Otis possesses an extraordinary talent with his keen sense of smell, allowing him to expertly discern age utilizing the distinct scents of various collectibles.  Beyond his professional prowess, Otis is not just a skilled individual but a character with a charming personality.  His hobbies include watching TV, a pastime that adds a touch of leisure to his busy routine.  Otis can't resist expressing his enthusiasm by barking at animals or any figure he suspects might be an animal, showcasing a playful and lively side.  What truly sets Otis apart is his unwavering loyalty to the team. He finds comfort and joy in the company of his colleagues, making him an integral part of the workplace dynamic. This combination of exceptional skills, endearing quirks, and a strong sense of camaraderie makes Otis a well-rounded and cherished member of the team.



Security Consultant

Frankie is always alert to people, cars, and sounds, never missing a beat. He enjoys peering out windows, quickly detecting any movement. His hobbies include playing with chew toys and engaging in tug-of-war. Frankie is not only vigilant but also welcoming, greeting new faces in the office and happily settling on laps. His favorite words, like "Park," "Dinner," "Food," and "Walk," showcase his enthusiasm for simple pleasures. Frankie brings a delightful mix of awareness, playfulness, and friendliness to any environment.

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